Sunday 6 May 2012

Parallel Line Development

Pipe with Angle Cut

Draw the elevation as shown , divide pipe into 12 equal parts and number 1,2,3 etc . always starting at the shortest side then project division lines through the whole length of the pipe . Now project the points of the projection lines out normal to the pipe centre line and number these lines as well .(You will notice that at the top where the pipe is cut normal, all the points fall on the same line)

Now calculate and measure the circumferance along the projection line to give us points 1.1 which is the length of the plate required to roll the pipe .The following step is to divide this length 1.1 into 12 equal parts and number these divisions 1 2 etc then project them down to intersect the projection lines drawm across from the elevation. Where the like numbered projection lines cross , we have the points of our development .Complete the development by joining these points with a continous caved line

NB: on right pipes the circumference must always be measured along line normal to axis of the pipe
For more information on parallel line development visit :

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot for providing me complete knowledge about principal of metal development.
    Cell Line Development
